Friday, February 14, 2014

My tiny corner in the Inter web :)

Hello to the inter web!

I've been contemplating about this blog for months now.  Certainly nothing that is keeping me up at night....I have other things doing that for me right now :)

When I read about starting a blog, I kept see that your blog should focus on 1 thing.  Perhaps DIY or crafting or parenting advice, etc.  I should include that I do have a second blog, however, that one is all about crafting but more so focused on paper crafting.  But for this blog, I didn't want to be 'restricted' about one thing and one thing only.

So welcome to my/our "Adventure"!  ((Hence where the name of this blog came from))  This blog will be about everything and anything my heart desires to type away and list on here.  Some posts may be about DIY, organizing, a new adventure with Kirie (our 19 month old daughter), new adventures with military life, parenting concerns/questions/frustrations, recipes that have been tested and are loved, decorating, etc.  There will be no boundaries here or limitations on what I decided to write about.

Curious to know more about me?  I'm in my 20's, have a beautiful 19 month old daughter (Kirie) and am married to my sweetheart (Jesse) who is currently active duty military.  We have a dog named Gemma and a cat called Link.  We are currently stationed in the sunshine state and are excited for the many adventures that the future holds for us.

Hope you guys enjoy this space as much as I do.